Disclaimer & Terms of Service

NOTICE: This Agreement contains important information, including a binding arbitration provision and a class action waiver, both of which impact your rights as to how disputes are resolved. The Website is only available to you — and you should only access the Website — if you agree completely with these terms.


Macaron is the No.1 and native DEX built on Bitlayer. Macaron product is composed of open-sourced, free software and know-how, including a series of smart contracts deployed on Bitlayer. Your engagement with Macaron carries various risks, including, but not limited to, potential losses while digital assets are supplied to the Macaron protocol and losses due to price fluctuations of tokens in a trading pair or liquidity pool. Before engaging with Macaron, it is advised that you comprehensively review the relevant documentation to understand how Mararon operates.

User Disclaimers & Terms

Mararon does not own or control the underlying software that constitutes the foundation of blockchain networks. Generally, the software underpinning blockchain networks, including Bitlayer, is open source, allowing for public use, modification, and distribution. By using and/or accessing Macaron, you acknowledge and agree (a) that Macaron is not responsible for the operation of the software and networks underpinning its Services, (b) there is no guarantee regarding the functionality, security, or availability of said software and networks, and (c) these underlying networks are subject to abrupt changes in operational rules, such as “forks,” which may materially affect Macaron's Services. Blockchain networks utilize public/private key cryptography.

To access or use the Macaron Website, you must be able to form a legally binding contract with us. Accordingly, you represent that you are at least the age of majority in your jurisdiction (e.g., 18 years old in the United States) and have the full right, power, and authority to enter into and comply with the terms and conditions of this Agreement on behalf of yourself and any company or legal entity for which you may access or use the Website.

You further represent that you are not (a) the subject of economic or trade sanctions administered or enforced by any governmental authority or otherwise designated on any list of prohibited or restricted parties (including but not limited to the list maintained by the Office of Foreign Assets Control of the U.S. Department of the Treasury) or (b) a citizen, resident, or organized in a jurisdiction or territory that is the subject of comprehensive country-wide, territory-wide, or regional economic sanctions by the United States. Finally, you represent that your access and use of the Website will fully comply with all applicable laws and regulations, and that you will not access or use the Website to conduct, promote, or otherwise facilitate any illegal activity.

Blockchain networks function using public/private key cryptography. You acknowledge that the services provided by Macaron are susceptible to potential flaws, and it is your responsibility to evaluate any code or operations on the platform. The warnings provided herein do not constitute an ongoing duty to inform you about all potential risks associated with using and/or accessing Macaron.

The security of your private keys is solely your responsibility. Macaron does not have access to your private keys. Losing control of your private keys will irreversibly restrict your access to digital assets on the blockchain. In such cases, neither Macaron nor any other entity can retrieve or protect your digital assets. Loss of private keys results in the inability to transfer digital assets to other blockchain addresses or wallets, leading to the loss of any value or utility those digital assets may possess.

Your interaction with Macaron including trading digital assets, borrowing, or supplying assets, entails financial risk. Digital assets are inherently experimental, risky, and volatile. Transactions are irreversible and final, with no possibility of refunds. By using Macaron, you acknowledge and accept these risks and agree to access and utilize the platform at your own discretion. The risk of loss in trading digital assets can be substantial. You should consider whether such trading is suitable for your financial circumstances and resources.

By engaging with Macaron, you represent that you have independently evaluated the risks of transactions and the underlying digital assets. You assert that you possess the necessary knowledge, sophistication, and professional advice to assess the merits and risks of transactions conducted on Macaron. You accept all consequences of using the platform, including the potential loss of access to your digital assets. All transaction decisions are made solely by you, and Macaron bears no responsibility for your actions on the platform.

Prohibited Activity

You agree not to engage in, or attempt to engage in, any of the following categories of prohibited activity in relation to your access and use of the Website:

  • Intellectual Property Infringement. Activity that infringes on or violates any copyright, trademark, service mark, patent, right of publicity, right of privacy, or other proprietary or intellectual property rights under the law.

  • Cyberattack. Activity that seeks to interfere with or compromise the integrity, security, or proper functioning of any computer, server, network, personal device, or other information technology system, including (but not limited to) the deployment of viruses and denial of service attacks.

  • Fraud and Misrepresentation. Activity that seeks to defraud us or any other person or entity, including (but not limited to) providing any false, inaccurate, or misleading information in order to unlawfully obtain the property of another.

  • Market Manipulation. Activity that violates any applicable law, rule, or regulation concerning the integrity of trading markets, including (but not limited to) the manipulative tactics commonly known as “rug pulls”, pumping and dumping, and wash trading.

  • Securities and Derivatives Violations. Activity that violates any applicable law, rule, or regulation concerning the trading of securities or derivatives, including (but not limited to) the unregistered offering of securities and the offering of leveraged and margined commodity products to retail customers in the United States.

  • Sale of Stolen Property. Buying, selling, or transferring of stolen items, fraudulently obtained items, items taken without authorization, and/or any other illegally obtained items.

  • Data Mining or Scraping. Activity that involves data mining, robots, scraping, or similar data gathering or extraction methods of content or information from the Website.

  • Objectionable Content. Activity that involves soliciting information from anyone under the age of 18 or that is otherwise harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, tortious, excessively violent, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, pornographic, libelous, invasive of another’s privacy, hateful, discriminatory, or otherwise objectionable.

  • Any Other Unlawful Conduct. Activity that violates any applicable law, rule, or regulation of the United States or another relevant jurisdiction, including (but not limited to) the restrictions and regulatory requirements imposed by U.S. law.

Initial Farm Offering

You represent that you are not a user from the following countries or regions when participating in our Initial Farm Offerings:

Belarus, Cuba, China, Crimea Region, Democratic Republic of Congo, Iran, Iraq, New Zealand, North Korea, South Sudan, Sudan, Syria, United States of America and its territories (American Samoa, Guam, Puerto Rico, the Northern Mariana Islands, and the U.S. Virgin Islands), Zimbabwe.

Last updated