How to save gas

Dear Macaron users,

To reduce transaction fees, it is highly recommended to set transaction parameters according to the following documentation:

FYI: this doc and affiliated gas-reducing steps are subject to MetaMask users.

Hereunder are some detailed step-to-step tutorial on how to reduce gas on Macaron:

  1. After connecting to Bitlayer mainnet, when you need to sign the transaction, there will be pop-up from MetaMask wallet that shows up this like:

  1. Click the "Edit" button above, you will see the window below:

  1. Click "Advanced", you can then set the gas fee parameter lower as follows:,

Here, the Priority Fee (GWEI) can be set to 0.1 which should be well enough for your transactions.

The save these values as defauly for the Bitlayter Network.

Last updated